Duck with Recurring Eye Injury

Straw can encourage mold, especially with wetness from ducks. I would try a different bedding.
Great - thank you. That’s so helpful. We typically bed in shavings in the summer, but opted for straw this winter to help with warmth. I’ve got her secluded again so I will use this weekend to “upgrade” the coop with more duck-friendly bedding and water conditions. I really appreciate your help!!
I'd set out a bucket of water with some ACV in it for her to really clean her eyes and nares. 1 Tab to a gal of water along with all the other things you are doing. Something could have gotten or getting into her eye whether bacteria or dust from straw but hopefully good cleaning and your treatments will clear it up. My Ducks dip their whole heads into their buckets to get a good clean.
I'd set out a bucket of water with some ACV in it for her to really clean her eyes and nares. 1 Tab to a gal of water along with all the other things you are doing. Something could have gotten or getting into her eye whether bacteria or dust from straw but hopefully good cleaning and your treatments will clear it up. My Ducks dip their whole heads into their buckets to get a good clean.
Thank you!! I will definitely add that to the regimen. It’s been really easy to clear up, but just keeps happening!:(
How is her eye looking today? any change for the better?
Not much better to be honest, which surprises me because it’s cleared up quickly in the past or shown quick improvement. I can’t help but think that the hens must have done a number on her. I feel so horrible for her - she’s miserable. Sat in my lap for about an hour tonight and just moped.
Poor thing. When you say hens do you mean chickens? Or her flock mates? I'd def keep her where they can all still see each other but where she can't be picked on.

Did you put any ACV into her drinking water?

How is her appetite? another possibility is she is sick and they know it boy can they be hard on one that isn't well.
Poor thing. When you say hens do you mean chickens? Or her flock mates? I'd def keep her where they can all still see each other but where she can't be picked on.

Did you put any ACV into her drinking water?

How is her appetite? another possibility is she is sick and they know it boy can they be hard on one that isn't well.
Thank you for the advice! She’s much more chipper today. During her daily eye cleaning session yesterday we were finally able to get quite a bit of debris/scabbing off her eye area and she is THRILLED to be able to see our again. She’s much less lethargic. We’ve been allowing them to see each other and her buddies come to visit her in the garage every day.

By hens I do mean chickens. We have 8 chickens and just one other female duck - a Saxony. Perhaps they were beating up on her because we were putting her back out too soon after clearing up the eye issue? And they were interpreting that as a weakness?
Chickens will peck at stuff. It's possible they are pecking at the crud and making it worse. In most instances it's best to keep the species separately.

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