Duck With Swollen Ankle

I just asked our common fried google and the first hit was this:
Seems much harder to crack than Pekan-nuts, but i would use my drill-press vise from Harbor-freight - would i have a hickory-tree. Sadly they don't grow here. I did not even knew that hickory trees produce nuts! Back in Texas they were growing wild in every undeveloped plot of land. Do mesquite trees produce nuts too?
Well that is interesting and I’ll try that. My vice is out in the barn though, but I’ll see if I can’t produce some “hic-ker” nuts that way. They do taste very similar to pecans, but a little more bitter, maybe.
Here is what is funny. My huge Sadie, a GP/GS mix, will lay in the yard, crack those nuts and eat them. When the chickens see her doing that, they will all gather round and take part in eating what she’s cracked. Needless to say, she doesn’t eat many after they’ve gathered. I happened to catch it happening and took a picture. This was in January 2019.

However, I hate those nuts and wish I could cut the trees. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve fallen because of them.
The secret is not to keep heavier birds alone! By the way the White Layer is considered a light-weight breed and so is the Buff Orpington.
(See here:
If you keep the heavier birds together with some active light-weight breeds like Swedish or Runners, they will keep up with those agile ducks and develop much stronger muscles than they usually would. And stay healthier for a much longer time.
I can only talk about my experiences with the White Layers, no clue about the Pekin breed. And i discourage everybody to keep Pekins as pet ducks (@Mimi13 you remember?) because, sadly you are correct: They have been bread as meat-birds, the same way as the Aylesbury, Rouen, Saxony and the Silver Appleyard, ready to be dinner at an age of 3-4 months…
Yep, I remember you telling me that. And that also makes sense about the WL and BO sized birds keeping fit following the runners around. But let me tell you one thing, Ralphie is quicker than the eye. Just while ago he was in the pool when I was going through the gate. Somehow he got out of that pool and all the way up to the gate before I could turn around to latch it. And I didn’t even hear the little sucker. But there he stood, standing tall as could be! :lau
@Mimi13 please do not give up on ducks. We love your stories and no matter what, Ralphie is wrong. Ducks are the best pets. You just have to be willing to give more care and realize it’s all worth it in the long run. Your Ralphie, my Bandit, and Hillbillies Limpy are my favorite drakes. Yess they are @$$holes but we love them anyway.
It is funny to read, “Oh this bird is an a$$hole, but we love him anyway.” It’s kind of like some people I know, too! :lau Over this past weekend I took every opportunity to pick Ralphie Dux up (when he would run all around me) and hold him. I may have already said this — CRS is real — but one time I picked him up, he laid down on my “covered” ;) lap and seemed content, that is after I loved on him first. I’m sure he was just worn out from all my kisses. I just can’t help myself. :idunnoSomeone, way back when I first got the ducklings, told me that “Latte” (now Ralphie Dux) would be my favorite. Even though that sweet little Groucho Marx-looking duckling did a big switcheroo on me, I think he’s still my favorite. He’s full of lovable personality. He has charisma, Duckie Charisma. If it just wasn’t for that d@mn corkscrew tail, :eek: he’d be perfect! [I still don’t know how that thing works. It seems impossible to me!]

It makes me happy to hear you like my stupid stories, I never thought of that. And never fear, Ralphie will never scare me off. However, I know he’ll continue trying. (He does give me some things to think about, though. — Don’t let that go to your head @duluthralphie.)

Thank you, @Texag87, for your kind words and reassurance!

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