Duck with wet feather and diarrhea


7 Years
Nov 26, 2012
Apollo, PA
I just got a new call drake, and he has some diarrhea issues. I noticed it because the feathers around his vent are brown and soiled. I had him on some weak antibiotics (tetracycline in his water) because I got him from a swap and there were some sick birds around. I added some probios to his water yesterday hoping to regulate his gut bacteria, but it didn't help. My next step will be worming, but I'm almost positive he doesn't have worms. I'll also add some ACV to his water. What else could be causing it and how can I fix it?

He also has wet feather, but only on his lower half. From below his breast and back to his vent. That's it.

He's been holding his tail down, but is still loving bath time and life. He doesn't appear sick at all.

The only other symptoms that could mean anything are he pants when I put him in the bathtub and it sounds like he's having trouble breathing. He yawns too. I think he's just scared of me to be honest. He really hates people. No nasal discharge or coughing at all. I don't think the diarrhea and stuff is related to this.

This is my first duck, can you tell? :D I'm working on getting him a girlfriend but I want to make sure he's healthy first.

I forgot to add what he eats. I feed him layer pellets (I know). As soon as the bag of layer pellets runs out (it'll be real soon, in less than a week) I'll get a more universal feed that everyone can eat.
Was he a wild call duck? You said he hates humans is why I asked. If he was a dog I would say he os very stressed. Diarrhea can be a reaction to stress. Best of luck with him
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Well, yes, stress. And probiotics may take more than a day to work.

The wet feather halfway seems to me he was exposed to something greasy, perhaps. He may have a preen gland problem.

Panting can be caused by anxiety.

I would get an unbreakable mirror to put in with him. Calls - ducks - are flock animals and really unhappy alone.

He has had a bad week, sounds like.

Something I thought might help, but I am hesitant because I don't know if it conflicts with the antibiotic you are using is this. If you have apple cider vinegar with the mother, put a teaspoon of that in a quart of water for him to drink on for a little while. It is often used as a tonic.

Give him some shredded lettuce in a bowl of water, and a few thawed frozen peas. See if the treats encourage him.

Please keep us posted.
Well, yes, stress.  And probiotics may take more than a day to work.

The wet feather halfway seems to me he was exposed to something greasy, perhaps.  He may have a preen gland problem.

Panting can be caused by anxiety.

I would get an unbreakable mirror to put in with him.  Calls - ducks - are flock animals and really unhappy alone.

He has had a bad week, sounds like.

Something I thought might help, but I am hesitant because I don't know if it conflicts with the antibiotic you are using is this.  If you have apple cider vinegar with the mother, put a teaspoon of that in a quart of water for him to drink on for a little while.  It is often used as a tonic.  

Give him some shredded lettuce in a bowl of water, and a few thawed frozen peas.  See if the treats encourage him.

Please keep us posted.

Thank you. I'm hoping the diarrhea is just from him being stressed. He really does need a friend. I feel bad for him right now. He's in a new place with new people and ahh. So scary for a little duck. I'll work on the mirror thing. Thanks for the idea.

Was he a wild call duck? You said he hates humans is why I asked. If he was a dog I would say he os very stressed. Diarrhea can be a reaction to stress. Best of luck with him

Nope. He's a little white cutie that I got at a swap meet.

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