Duckling Cam!

Cam just got a serious upgrade! Branded lower third with date/time stamps and a second camera inside the 'bator!

Cams will switch views at random 5-25sec intervals.

I may or may not be just a little obsessed.
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Batch 02 Roundup! 5/6 eggs hatched within a 7 hour span, and were all out of the incubator before I felt I needed to assist the last. I made a safety hole and left it for most of the day.

After 8 hours I checked on the egg and the duckling was still alive, but not doing much. I did a little more assist and came back about 4 hours later to a duckling trying very hard to remove the shell from its bottom half, but still attached via umbilical. I tried to make it comfortable but within an hour it ripped the cord and was bleeding. It was definitely not ready to be completely out, and I likely set the process in motion too early. Here's hoping I haven't done any lasting damage.

I left the duckling in the incubator over night and it was alert and pretty active this morning, however, it seems to have a splayed leg despite being on a facecloth in the incubator and not on the plastic floor of the 'bator. I taped up its legs and thought about putting it in the brooder with it's siblings, but decided against it.

6/7 eggs developed (85%)
6/6 ducklings hatched (100%)

Batch 03 is 2 weeks away from hatch and has 7/7 developing eggs!
Yeah Probably!

Actually, since you watched I need to ask, did you notice any issues when it was a 2 camera setup and it switched between the two cameras? Youtube was telling me my feed was having quality issues, but I just went back through some of the recordings and I couldn't see an issue.
We really didn't notice any issues when the camera's switched back and forth but we were driving a lot yesterday and my wife was watching it off and on with her phone. There was no issue that we noticed until late in the afternoon when the feed stopped. I got her hooked on the webcam so she will be convinced we need ducklings
Hah! Awesome. Thanks for the feedback! Sorry about the abrupt stop, but the last duckling really needed rest after ripping its umbilical cord and I wanted to shut the lights off.
Duckling Cam is LIVE! We had 3 external pips overnight! Sorry, there's a bit of condensation on the overhead.. I tried to move the eggs to a better spot, but I didn't want to disturb them too much.
I should add, I circled the pips in pencil, and marked those eggs. In the overhead view, you'll see a circle on the topmost egg, and in the "in the 'bator" view you'll see "Pipped!! 5/26" written on the left most egg.

Those are going to be the eggs to watch!

There was a third pip, but it was low on the egg, so I didn't try to label it.

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