Duckling eggs all dying after zipping has begun

Adolfus Nile

Jan 12, 2023
I had one duckling hatch 2 days early and now 3 eggs that have begun hatching on time just to give up during zipping, peeping also stopping. They seem dead to me. What could be the problem? first time incubating.
The first two that appear to have not made it the air holes were not open, but the humidity was a little too high when the next egg was hatching so i opened the air holes.
Do you know they are for sure dead or just resting
They sleep while absorbing as this process is 24-48 long and exhausting
I have had many that don’t peep at all and done that do but go quiet for periods of time
I agree there is a good chance they are just resting, BUT you have to open all air vents when it's hatch time regardless of humidity. Hatching is very strenuous which means ducklings will get quiet and take breaks for sometimes hours at a time. It also means they need as much oxygen as possible. Ducklings hatching in an incubator with the vents closed would be like someone putting you in a sealed box and then telling you to break free.

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