Duckling extravaganza *Runner, Saxony, Magpie, and Silver Appleyard*

Well they all seem happy and healthy now, no more tired looking eyes or droopyness. I think the nutri-drench saved the magpie babies.

Now time for proper introductions!


Asher the Silver Appleyard drake

Nova the Saxony female

The magpie drake (no name since we are not keeping him..if I name him I'll get way too attached)

Gypsy the female Silver Appleyard

The adorably chubby Saxony drake who I really wish i could keep lol

Cricket the female magpie
Adorable! I wish I could steal that Saxony Drake from you - what a charmer! But no more ducks and definitely no more drakes <sigh>.
Adorable! I wish I could steal that Saxony Drake from you - what a charmer! But no more ducks and definitely no more drakes <sigh>.
I wish you could too. It is going to be so hard to see him go. So far nobody is interested in either of the boys. I'm sure it is because they are boys. His personality is wonderful too so it is extra hard to part with him.

I was so worried that Cricket would not make it through last night. At bed time she still seemed kind of frumpy and off. But she did and she has been great today! Phew.

Right now the Saxony babies are the most outgoing and the Silver appleyards are very skittish. The magpie babies are starting to warm up and in fact I think Cricket is working on being my buddy. She is the only one who actually runs up to me (but the Saxony babies are more outgoing overall). No matter, we will get them all calmed down.

Photos for the day! I will get new shots of the runners tomorrow, they slept through picture time tonight.

Gypsy the sassy silver appleyard

Asher the silver appleyard drake

The irresistibly chunky Saxony drake

Sweet little Magpie Drake

Nova the Saxony female

Cricket the survivor (magpie female)
Wobbles, wish you could come & take some pics of my babies!!
I'm a bit torn at the moment. We planned to keep Asher because he is just so cute. But I keep thinking the Saxony boy is just so much more sweet. I'll have to see what Shane thinks...maybe he can make the final decision. One thing, whatever boy stays gets the name Asher.
I'm a bit torn at the moment. We planned to keep Asher because he is just so cute. But I keep thinking the Saxony boy is just so much more sweet. I'll have to see what Shane thinks...maybe he can make the final decision. One thing, whatever boy stays gets the name Asher.

Well, they're 'lings so they're all cute. Go for sweet personality.

Just one picture tonight. My camera died on me!

They are all starting to come out of their shells but the Silver appleyards are still sassy little things!

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