Duckling feeding question

No, Just make sure you get unmedicated crumbles. Keep the food away from the water and make sure the water is only deep enough for them to dip their beak in for do not want them too wet at this age.
Hope this helps you out!!!
Actually I always wet the food for the first week. It makes it so they are getting enough water to swallow the food right. Also make sure they have the food near the water, they will want to take a beak full and run to the water right away to wash it down. I use duck pellets and wet them for the first week or two, that way they are getting the right nutrients and water to swallow. Make sure the water is deep enough they can almost get their heads in, they will need to flush their nostrils out alot. Good luck
Ducklings should have non medicated gamebird or turkey starter at 22 to 28% protein. Chick starter doens't have the amount of niacin that waterfowl need. After that, you can feed them all purpose crumbles or pellets until they come into lay if they are female. Otherwise a diet of all purpose is fine.
Oops! Forgot that part! LOL
2 weeks is plenty. It gives them a boost with the protein, but it is not so much as to trigger angelwing.
I have been feeding him the tractor supply brand of chick starter. I guess I should switch it. This is my first time hatching ducks.

Thank you guys again for the advice and the help. I love this board!
Oh good. Mine are now on chick starter/grower. They probably got the game bird starter a little longer than they should have since they were already two weeks old when I got them. But they seem just fine and are loving their new outdoor home. It is rainy and miserable but they don't seem to be minding it one bit!
Thanks Terrie.

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