Duckling hatched with a bad leg need help advice?


7 Years
Apr 27, 2012
Duckling hatched a few hours ago. Going strong but has a bad deformed leg. Goes back and toes curled. Not sure how to attach a picture on here. Not sure. Any help on this out there? THANKS CINDY
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If he has only hatched a few hours ago I'd give him a bit longer. Sometimes their feet can appear to be curled up but they kind of uncurl overnight. So, I'd wait to see how it all looks when he is fluffed up and ready to come out of the incubator.

In the meantime, get hold of some bird vitamins that you can put in his water (for when he is in the brooder). Vitamins are a good idea when foot/leg issues appear. If his foot stays curled you may need to give it some support to spread it out flat. You can cut out a bit of something stiff (like a bit of plastic) the shape of a normal duckling foot and spread out his foot on this and tape it flat. Here is a thread that shows a good picture of what to do:

Not sure what to recommend in relation to the leg being bent back without being able to see a pic...sorry about that.
Wast tring to attach a picture instead of insert so here is a few pics although one is sideways. Sorry. Any help out there. I can move the web part to the side but not to the front. He was born last night and so full of spunk!
Ditto 70%cocoa. Also, I would give the duckling swim therapy. Warm water, 85F or so, just enough to float in because it has no oils yet, and for maybe five, ten minutes at a time, till it seems tired.

The idea is to get weight off the foot but opportunity to exercise and strengthen the muscles, perhaps let some of the tendons stretch.

Thiamine, I have heard, may help leg problems.

I also would do a mini-massage of the leg and foot, as much as might be tolerated for short periods of time (a minute or less).
I had a duckling hatch out just 3 days ago with the same problem (except with both feet) I made him/her a pair of shoes with an TV dinner box, I just cut out to the shape of the foot and spread the foot out over the shoe and attached with band-aids. By the next morning one of the shoes had already come off but his foot looked normal so I took the other one off. He/she is now walking around normal with the other duckies. Good Luck :)
Now three days old and he will not use this leg at all now. Holds it straight back now. I tried to make a shoe and splint it with a bendable straw but that did not work either. It just held the entire leg backward. Still hoping for more ideas. Even took him to a vet and after $100.00 (ouch) they don't know either. Thanks for any help in advance.
I have a duckling with the exact same problem! The shoe idea is great but only spreads apart the web of the foot - he still holds the foot bent backwards and refuses to walk on it at all. He just hobbles around and stands on the one good leg or lays down. If you have any luck I'd love to hear what helps! I feel so sorry for the little guy, but he's eating and drinking fine.
My Duckling is now 3 weeks old. He could not walk at all. He would hop and lay only. We have a wildlife vet in town so I took him in - ouch $250 later. She put a splint- did not work then a cast on (Moved a tenden in place). Made me put in in a container just big enough to make him stand on both feet 24/7. towel around him for warmth and support. IF he wanted to sit he had to bend that leg correctly to do so. I kept food/water only at his reach. After two weeks he was walking but foot is pretty messed up still yeah he now walks. After a few days his foot started to now turn inward. He is now in another cast. Will get it removed on Monday - hope to see. He is the sweetest duck ever and did not mind at all to even be in that container. He seemed ok with just his food and water but I'd say it worked!
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