Duckling head deformity

Thank you all so much for keeping up with this little guy... or girl honesty. I really hope he makes it. Every day he’s alive increases the chances he’ll make it. I don’t wanna mess it up.

Do not push too much pressure on yourself. Anything you can do to make him happy and comfortable is the right thing. If he is going to make it he will. If he’s not meant to, he won’t. At least he has been well cared for.
Do not push too much pressure on yourself. Anything you can do to make him happy and comfortable is the right thing. If he is going to make it he will. If he’s not meant to, he won’t. At least he has been well cared for.
You’re so very sweet! There he is, happy as can be with everyone else.
Here is my 2 cents. It's your baby and you need to do what you think best for him/her.
But if it were mine I would separate it until the wound has a chance to heal. If not, the others will continue to pick at it and will never heal. It's called "Tough Love"
Here is my 2 cents. It's your baby and you need to do what you think best for him/her.
But if it were mine I would separate it until the wound has a chance to heal. If not, the others will continue to pick at it and will never heal. It's called "Tough Love"
This is something I think I might do. The only issue is that the “wound” seems like soft tissue so I don’t know if it’ll really ever close.
Like @Sarkchick said it may never close all the way but scar tissue should help protect it. Not trying to put any pressure on you at all you know what you can do they are your ducklings, this maybe similar to crested when it heals it will be soft fatty tissue but with out the fluff of feathers. If female mating should not be allowed if this doesn't close all the way because drakes grab onto necks and heads. But with some extra TLC the little one should live a good life.

Can you get a really good close up pic of the head?
Like @Sarkchick said it may never close all the way but scar tissue should help protect it. Not trying to put any pressure on you at all you know what you can do they are your ducklings, this maybe similar to crested when it heals it will be soft fatty tissue but with out the fluff of feathers. If female mating should not be allowed if this doesn't close all the way because drakes grab onto necks and heads. But with some extra TLC the little one should live a good life.

Can you get a really good close up pic of the head?
I can ask my boyfriend too. I left on a trip today so little Grape is left in his care. I’ll ask him to try and get a clear photo when he gets home, but it’s soooo hard since he jerks around.

This morning he was happy and it looks like the tissue is starting to scab over :) luckily he’s eating and drinking just fine and has fluffed up nicely.

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