Duckling imprinting behaviour


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 15, 2012
Just wondering if my female ducks (hand reared) are showing submissive behaviour or imprinting behaviour towards me?

When I go outside they come over to me - 2 will immediately lower their head and necks and slightly spread their wings and then I pet them for a wile. The 3rd will always be over first and chatter away like mad for a while with a lot of head bobbing before assuming the stance. She took a lot longer to want fuss than the other 2 and is more wary despite being hand reared and lots of cuddles as a duckling!

I'm just interested really in duck behaviour as I don't have a lot of experience and can't find much on this subject- love the fact that they are all so tame.
Wow I wish my ducks were that tame!!! I don't know what they are doing. Ducklings imprint on the first living thing they see. have they done this before? How old were they when you got them? I love animal behavior stuff! Want to be a behaviorist (for animals) when I grow up, so this is very interesting!
they want to have your babies

Ah, yes, that is one way to put it. . . .

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