Duckling is acting strange, rolling all over??


Jun 11, 2022
I have 2 ducks who are about 2 years old, people in my neighborhood know and sometimes when they find abandoned ducklings they just like drop them off at my house?? But anyone these girls dropped a little wood duck off at my house and he was acting a little strange, I was trying to warm him up under a lamp. Keep him calm and everything, he starting panting so I thought maybe he was dehydrated because he was also sluggish, and he was ok for a while, just tired but he'd wake up and chirp and then all of a sudden he started throwing his head around and rolling all over, it was unnatural and seemed uncontrollable, I was worried he was seizing so I didn't touch him, but he just continued and I was trying to google what to do cuz it had never happened and then he unfortunately passed away and I just am wondering if anyone knows why this happened so hopefully I can prevent it!
I have 2 ducks who are about 2 years old, people in my neighborhood know and sometimes when they find abandoned ducklings they just like drop them off at my house?? But anyone these girls dropped a little wood duck off at my house and he was acting a little strange, I was trying to warm him up under a lamp. Keep him calm and everything, he starting panting so I thought maybe he was dehydrated because he was also sluggish, and he was ok for a while, just tired but he'd wake up and chirp and then all of a sudden he started throwing his head around and rolling all over, it was unnatural and seemed uncontrollable, I was worried he was seizing so I didn't touch him, but he just continued and I was trying to google what to do cuz it had never happened and then he unfortunately passed away and I just am wondering if anyone knows why this happened so hopefully I can prevent it!
I googled it- this may be it, but im not 100% sure:
I have 2 ducks who are about 2 years old, people in my neighborhood know and sometimes when they find abandoned ducklings they just like drop them off at my house?? But anyone these girls dropped a little wood duck off at my house and he was acting a little strange, I was trying to warm him up under a lamp. Keep him calm and everything, he starting panting so I thought maybe he was dehydrated because he was also sluggish, and he was ok for a while, just tired but he'd wake up and chirp and then all of a sudden he started throwing his head around and rolling all over, it was unnatural and seemed uncontrollable, I was worried he was seizing so I didn't touch him, but he just continued and I was trying to google what to do cuz it had never happened and then he unfortunately passed away and I just am wondering if anyone knows why this happened so hopefully I can prevent it!
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I'm sorry to hear he died.
There's no way for any of us to know what happened to him.

Call your state lab or DNR and ask if they would like to take the body for testing.

That really stinks that someone drops birds off at your house like that.

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