Duckling pipping internally


8 Years
Jul 19, 2011
Already posted this on the hatching bit, just didnt know if anyone here would be knowledgeable in ducks, My pekin is hatching my duck egg for me and I'm on day 27, I quick lung candled the egg today and I could see a peak trying to push through the membrane to the air sac but it wasn't getting through, does this take some time or what? And I was wondering if I should of been putting any water on the eggs to keep it humid, I don't know?
Already posted this on the hatching bit, just didnt know if anyone here would be knowledgeable in ducks, My pekin is hatching my duck egg for me and I'm on day 27, I quick lung candled the egg today and I could see a peak trying to push through the membrane to the air sac but it wasn't getting through, does this take some time or what? And I was wondering if I should of been putting any water on the eggs to keep it humid, I don't know?
If your Pekin is doing the hatching then I'd leave her to it, it does take time for them to pip and taking the egg out from under the duck drops the humidity and can cause shrink wrapping so try to let your duck do her job. I know it's hard but they have been hatching alot longer than us. Good luck and let us know how it goes. It can take 36 hrs from pip to zip so be patient.

Edited because I use to know how to spell.
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Oh ok thanks for the advice, it is my pekin chicken by the way it's not a duck could that cause any more problems?

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