Ducklings are dying

Make sure your heat lamp is at opposite end of where food an water is so ducklings can get away from the heat if needed. And I’ve be never kept my duckling at 95-99 I’d work on more like 90. Others my have differing opinions but this is just what I’ve done actually I keep my brooders more around 85-87. What breed are you talking about. And I can imagine those little ones went through the front gel pretty quick.
They are mallards
I just put down fresh water and within 10 minutes another duck died. Completely healthy and active before the water….

Update: Just lost another. Im at a complete loss. Adjusted the lamp to be 90 degrees underneath. It seems the more these ducks eat and drink the more losses im getting. Down to 8 ducklings out of the 14 living.
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I just put down fresh water and within 10 minutes another duck died. Completely healthy and active before the water….

Update: Just lost another. Im at a complete loss. Adjusted the lamp to be 90 degrees underneath. It seems the more these ducks eat and drink the more losses im getting. Down to 8 ducklings out of the 14 living.
Are you making sure that they have a continuous supply of water and not running out? If it's too hot and they don't have water for periods of time they will basically engorge themselves on water. They need 24/7 access to both food and water. I also agree with the others that your brooder temperature is too high especially if the temperature in the room is 70+ degrees. I would be starting out at 90 degrees and you have to be super careful with the red heat lamp bulbs they can fry ducklings. If your ducklings brooder is indoors I would highly advise ditching the red heat lamp bulb. Also make sure that your entire brooder is not heated. Ducklings need to be able to get away from the heat. A good indicator is if they are all in the farthest corners/sides of the brooder away from the heat it's too hot in there.

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