Ducklings curling necks under them into a circle?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jan 3, 2014
Deweyville, Texas
I have two ducklings constantly curling their necks oddly. They are 5 days old. They have save-a-chick electrolytes and probiotic in their water. They are fawn runner mallard crosses. Has anyone else seen this? Is it normal?

Here is a picture and they just keep scooting backwards in the brooder. HELP!!!
If your ducklings are staying in that position, then no I don't think that is normal. Sav-A-Chick is good, that's exactly what I use here. How is the air temperature?
That is not normal, I'm not sure what meg of niaicn is in save a chick but i would go get some Plain niacin[ not time release or flush free] and start giving that to them in their water. Niacin is in expensive but you'll have to ask for plain. Start them out on 100mgs crush and put into 1gal. of water then into their waterers. and please do it asap. can you give more info what are you feeding, what are the temps in your brooder what type of shavings/bedding
I just had two die that were doing that. Preliminary necropsy report said bacterial infection. Did they absorb their yolks properly?

Just got the final report... If I read it correctly, one of the bacteria they found was e. Coli. Need to read more of the report to comment better on it. One also had gout due to renal failure, possibly due to dehydration.

I'm not saying that your ducklings have an infection, just thought I should share what I just went through.

Could be niacin, and I did think about bacterial infection, thank you casportpony.

I would get them to a vet if at all possible, otherwise I think for this one I would be looking into antibiotics.
Could be niacin, and I did think about bacterial infection, thank you casportpony.

I would get them to a vet if at all possible, otherwise I think for this one I would be looking into antibiotics.
FWIW, all bacteria were sensitve to Baytril. Maybe if I had started them on that I'd still have them?

If your ducklings are staying in that position, then no I don't think that is normal. Sav-A-Chick is good, that's exactly what I use here. How is the air temperature?

They have a heat lamp they are moving to and from. Air temp is probably about 75 and high humidity. (50% because I live on a river near the Gulf of Mexico)

They uncurl them to eat and drink. Originally I though it was just one always curling to the left, but I've been watching them more closely now and they do it left or right and do front rolls.
That is not normal, I'm not sure what meg of niaicn is in save a chick but i would go get some Plain niacin[ not time release or flush free] and start giving that to them in their water. Niacin is in expensive but you'll have to ask for plain. Start them out on 100mgs crush and put into 1gal. of water then into their waterers. and please do it asap. can you give more info what are you feeding, what are the temps in your brooder what type of shavings/bedding 

I have niacin on hand so I'm going to change their water. I've never given my ducklings the probiotic before usually only electrolytes so maybe the probiotic has them at to high of a digestive bacteria level. I feed Dumor starter grower. Their bedding is clean hay.

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