Ducklings have lost interest in feed


May 30, 2019
Dover, AR
Hi, I am new to ducks and recently purchased 3 Cayuga ducklings. They’re 10 days old and they’ve been eating Purina Flock Raiser Crumbles with a sprinkle of brewers yeast as their main food. I give treats of peas, mealworms, greens and other fruits and veggies - all of which they love and devour. They are growing like crazy and very active and healthy, but in the last couple days, seem to have totally lost interest in the crumbles. They act starving and eat anything I give them that isn’t the crumbles, and they’ll nibble at the crumbles occasionally, but mostly leave the bowl. Are they just playing me to get better food? What do you suggest, should I stop giving them other things or try switching feeds? Thoughts? TIA


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Yes. They are spoiled. They like the treats better than their feed and are holding out. If they don't have anything else available they will eat the feed. For what it's worth, no matter how much food my ducks do or don't have, they act like they've been starving when I set something new down in front of them to eat.
Yes. They are spoiled. They like the treats better than their feed and are holding out. If they don't have anything else available they will eat the feed. For what it's worth, no matter how much food my ducks do or don't have, they act like they've been starving when I set something new down in front of them to eat.

Haha, that’s what I figured, thanks. I was just nervous bc I’m new to raising ducks. Spoiled brats!

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