Ducklings jumping in water


In the Brooder
Mar 30, 2024
My ducklings keep jumping in thier water, we used an ice tray until we can get a better waterer. The one we had was for chick's and wastn deep enough for them to dunk thier head or beaks fully. I'm not sure why but they keep trying to jump into the water or drink the non-exsistant water on the other side, when there's fresh water on the side closet to them. Also, I thought baby ducks can't get wet until around 5 weeks old, my ducklings are not even a week old yet.
Just an update, I switched it with another watter that should be deep enough for them to dunk thier heads
Ducks love water, and ducklings are no exception. If they can swim in it, they will. Ducklings can certainly swim when they’re very young, they just must be dried off and put back under / on a heat source after.
The only issue, is that I'm not always home or there to dry them off when they do jump in, I also thought from what I read on a few websites that it could ruin thier Oil glads or get them sick. They do sit under the heat lamp thought when they do get wet.
My 1-2 week old ducklings would climb into their water/snack bowl. I heard 1 ask his/self, "why am I doing this?" See profile picture on the left. Waterer with hole on top is a good idea, keep heat available.

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