Ducklings Learning to use ramp


9 Years
Apr 14, 2010
While my ducklings were still in the brooder, I would carry them outside along with their food and water each day. At 2 weeks old I moved them to their duck house. The weather was kind of crappy for a week, so I just kept them in the coop for that time while they adjusted. Now at 3 weeks old I have started opening their door for them to come out during the day. This morning they all came right out and waddled down the ramp just fine. I have been trying to teach them to go back into the coop by getting inside and holding treats thru the door. They seem to slowly be getting the hang of it..but if I am not out there they don't seem to ever go back into the coop. I've been keeping their food and water inside the coop. Should I be keeping it in the run with them? Or will they just eventually get the hang of the ramp and start going in to eat and drink?
I would keep food and water inside and outside of the coop. At least with my experiences, ducks just like to be outside and don't really care to go inside their coop. Most likely, your ducks know how to use the ramp and just don't want to. All I would do is make sure you lock them up at night so predators don't get them; even if that means carrying then into the coop. Good luck!
My baby ducks couldnt figure out the ramp at first. At night when all the chickens, turkeys and ducks were inside the 2 young ducks hid under coop. After a few nights of slithering under coop and coraling them I made them use the ramp a few times. They have since figured it out and when I introduced 2 more smaller ducks they were able to figure it out following the 2 slightly older ducks.

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