Ducklings losing fluff/feathers on wings


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 4, 2014
Hello fellow duck enthusiasts. I have a question ... My 4 wk old ducklings are starting to get feathers on their tails, but I noticed that their wings are looking nearly bald near their shoulders..... Is this part of the feathering out process?
Can you upload a photo? It may be normal, but without seeing it, I don't know how extreme it is.

I know I got concerned at one point, I thought someone was plucking someone's back , but now I realize it was just the process of losing downy feathers and growing new ones.
I haven't gotten a picture yet but it's the top of their wings and the skin is really hard and dry......:(
I have let them have a little swim time but the guy that gave them to me put the fear of god into me to not let them get wet....:/ I just rubbed them down with coconut oil where I noticed they were dry and is also raised their brooder lamp higher......
I have let them have a little swim time but the guy that gave them to me put the fear of god into me to not let them get wet....:/ I just rubbed them down with coconut oil where I noticed they were dry and is also raised their brooder lamp higher......

Ducks can swim when they are a few days old. So you can tell him to stuff it where the sun don't shine! Don't keep you ducks away from water. They should have bath time twice a day to stay clean n healthy.
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Can you give us more information in general? At four weeks, they ought to have more than just tail feathers coming in.

And they do need bath time - no soap.

What do they eat? How often ? They need food with water 24/7. What is the temperature in the brooder? It should be around 70˚F. Is there a heat lamp too close to them?
Thank u! I've been giving them bath time and they love it! I just didn't wanna do anything to make them catch a chill. They are muscovys so they like minimal splash time and after about 15 mins they line up and peep at me to take them out lol
I've moved up their heat lamp as I suspected that this may have something to do with it. They have since gotten some back and wing feathers and they eat chick grower feed now they prefer it wet plus they have access to fresh water 24/7. I add niacin to their water as well. I will post pics soon.



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