Ducklings mysteriously dying?


In the Brooder
Mar 12, 2023
Hi. This is my first time raising ducks, so please feel free to offer up any info if I’ve gotten something wrong.

I just went to check on my brooder after taking a nap and two of my ducklings were dead. They are about 2.5 weeks old, but the two that had passed were about half of the size of my other ducklings. They have a constant supply of water and feed (unmedicated starter duckling, 22% protein). I add about 1 tablespoon of nutritional yeast and a handful of crushed, dry oats into their food; also, they have soft peas in water as a treat. The ducks also have a constant heat source and the brooder is kept at ~85°F. I clean the bedding out daily and deep clean the brooder every couple of days. The brooder is predator proof and is locked inside the garage…

Have I done anything wrong? I’m really devastated that two of my babies passed and I feel at fault. Please let me know if I should change something to help the rest survive.
Also, I would like to note that I had only been asleep for about an hour… I had just given them fresh water and checked the temperature before laying down.
I am so sorry to hear you lost 2 of your ducklings. It sounds like your taking good care of them. Only thing I can see is the temp is too high, at the beginning when just hatched the temp should be around 85 at one end of the brooder and cool space at the other end. so at 2.5 weeks old, the ideal temp should be between 75-80 but closer to 75 so your dropping the heat at 5* each week. And no need to add oats to their feed. [glad to see you are using Nutritional yeast]They need all nutrients that the duckling starter has in it and doesn't need to be diluted with oats. For years before I went to NON GMO feed I used Purina flock raiser for my birds from hatch till end of life [crumble at beginning] and at 20% protein and never had a problem with Angel wing. [the main reason many add oats to their birds feed]
If your where the temps are warm take them outside to get some fresh air and sunshine and can begin to play and forage.
Were all the ducklings the same age and breed? If the answer is yes, It could be that you had the bad luck of having a couple of that unfortunately failed to thrive. Sometimes there are babies who just are not as strong once they hatch and don't make it, despite being given the best care.

I do agree though that 85゚ is a bit warm for ducklings of that age. Is there a section of the bruter that is on the cooler side so they can get out of the heat if they are too warm?
Sorry for your loss
I agree the heat would be to high
By 3 weeks mine were not even using heat anymore so at 2 weeks they should be 75 ish and an area that’s cooler to get away from the heat
How big is their brooder ?
Do they have water deep enough to dunk their heads in fully ?
When adding in the oats and peas are you also providing chick grit to help them digest these extras ?
If not I would grab them chick grit and keep a separate bowl available at all times
They will use it as needed
Hopefully your other babies will be okay
I don't give birds that young any kind of treat. I generally wait until 4 weeks before they get any kind of food that's not feed or grass clippings (and I have a little grit tray for them when they start getting clippings), but I really only give clippings to geese and muscovies, standard ducks I don't give them clippings.
IMO, it was either the treats they couldn't digest or just 2 that died due to defects. You have to remember, in order for there to be a 'breed' there has to be a lot of inbreeding, so defects will be somewhat high.
Hi everyone. Thank you for all of the recommendations. I lowered the temperature and have stopped feeding oats. I also added some rocks to their water to prevent drowning/aspirating. My babies are doing very well! Once again, thank you for the help :)
So glad things are getting better

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