ducklings of different ages: when can they be together?

Mine are 1 week apart also! They get along fine. I think MoonMoon enjoys being boss.

I've seen you post on other threads, I thought you only had 4 ducks, Rowen, Topanga, and 2 others, a anacona and a mystery one. Are these new?
No that's Jujubeans2008. I know, it's really hard to keep track of who owns which ducks! I've seen you post on lots of other threads, too.
I have six: Josephine, Jesse, Liliuokalani, and Adele are the almost 3 wk. olds, and Quackers and Puddles are the almost 2wk olds.
MoonMoon is the magpie, right?
That's funny that yours are also a week apart! Do you keep all yours together even with the age and size difference?
I let my 3 five week old ducklings meet my 4 two week old ducklings in a kiddie pool that was filled a little. I also put some ripped grass in the pool so all the ducks were too busy eating and playing to worry about each other and when they noticed each other the older ones pecked at the babies for a minute and then they loved each other. The babies follow the big ones around all the time now.
I put them all in the tub, and they had a blast! Putting them in the water was a good idea! I gave them peas while they were in there, and they LOVED it! I only had trouble with my KC, Adele, bothering the little ones. I had to interfere a little before she left them alone. Are those older ones in the pic KCs? Do you keep all yours in the same brooder?
Right! Sorry that is jujubeans2008. Yea MoonMoon the magpie
I post on to many threads
that's right you've got the Hawaii Queen and Adele, and the J names, with the eversopopular Quackers and Puddles. Yes mine share the same brooder they seem happy. I also got a messed order. They sent me 2 of the 4 I ordered so I had to reorder the other 2
How old are yours? I would be really disappointed if I only got two of four that I ordered! What hatchery did you use?
All of my ducklings are Khaki Cambrells and yes I keep them all in the same brooder now that they have met and all like eac h other
They don't pile up on each other when they're sleeping or push the little ones away when they are eating or drinking?
I'm thinking about putting mine together, but I'm not sure because the older ones are so much bigger! But if yours have a greater age difference than mine and are still fine living together maybe it'd be OK. Next week is supposed to be warm here, so maybe they can go out together, and I'll see how they do.
They don't pile up on each other when they're sleeping or push the little ones away when they are eating or drinking?
I'm thinking about putting mine together, but I'm not sure because the older ones are so much bigger! But if yours have a greater age difference than mine and are still fine living together maybe it'd be OK. Next week is supposed to be warm here, so maybe they can go out together, and I'll see how they do.

The older ones push the little ones out of the way a little bit but the babies are persistent and push their way back in. I'm not concerned with the little ones being pushed out of the way because they always have constant access to food and water and it's not like the big ones are eating and drinking 24/7. The only thing I've noticed is the little ones like to always be with the big ones so once they start running the little ones get trampled a bit but they get right back up and run with them. Since they've met they're inseparable and our big ducks are lost without their babies.
The older ones push the little ones out of the way a little bit but the babies are persistent and push their way back in. I'm not concerned with the little ones being pushed out of the way because they always have constant access to food and water and it's not like the big ones are eating and drinking 24/7. The only thing I've noticed is the little ones like to always be with the big ones so once they start running the little ones get trampled a bit but they get right back up and run with them. Since they've met they're inseparable and our big ducks are lost without their babies.
Awww, that's sounds so cute! I think, after hearing your experience, that I'll give them time together as often as possible and when the little ones outgrow their brooder (which will be soon), they can go together. I'm assuming by then the big ones will be used to the little ones enough that they'll won't bite at them. I would put them together now, but Adele is a bully and I have to watch her around the little ones!
Thanks so much for all your help, ashbash325!
So, today was warm so they all went out together and then the little ones were moved to the bigger brooder when they went back inside. The problem is I have one older duckling (the KC, Adele) who keeps biting at and chasing the little ones. Then the little ones are scared and go off in a corner separate from all the other ducklings. The other ones are pretty good with the little ducklings, meaning that they hardly bother them at all; but sometimes they bite at them, too. So, my question is, how do you discourage the bigger ones from bothering the smaller ones? I'm trying to tame the bigger ones, too, so I don't want to do something to them that would make them scared of me. What do you guys do?

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