Ducklings on the move!


10 Years
Oct 15, 2009
Cambrigeshire East of England
I now have 18 little ducklings, quickly it going to get crowed in there so when can i move the ducklings and their mother in with the other women and the drake. they are 5 days old and the run is very safe, so what do people think?
How old do you think, the thing is i am off this week and would be able to moniter them, i would not be able to when at work. And i dont know how long th little run will surfis them. when they could be in a 12 by 12 square run.
I don't merge my ducklings in with the adults until they're around 2 months old - but I'm CRAZY over-protective.
I guess I'm really lucky, my drake doesn't pick on the hen's ducklings unless they try to jump in the pool with him. and even then, he just nips them on the butt so they get out..

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