Ducklings questions

Hello, wanna ask for feedback here.
My 14 do ducklings very rarely stay under the brooder plate. They love to snuggle together though.
The average brooder temperature is only 68F.
They look active. Should I be concerned and keep working to get them stay in the brooder plate?
Here's the short video:

Thank you in advance!
Agreed, wouldn't worry. As long as the brooder plate is the correct height, they know just how much warmth they need.
They seem perfectly active so I doubt they're cold!
They look to be happy
I know mine only use the plate for 2 weeks
Then here and there between 2-3 weeks
I did notice the water is not to deep though
Do you have a second waterer that’s deep enough for them to dunk their heads fully ?
It’s really important they can keep their eyes abd nares clear

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