Duckling's runny nose

Lydia Heil

5 Years
May 10, 2014
Hello there, I have recently bought two baby ducks and they both seem pretty healthy. Well, except for the female mallard; she seems to have a 'runny nose'. I've done some research, some say it could be salmonella, but the 'liquid' honestly just looks like snot. It's clear like water, and has no lumpy textures at all. She sneezes occasionally when the 'snot' drools up around her nostrils. Is it possible that she just has a cold? Will she be alright? What can I do to help her?
A common occurrence is that ducklings get stuff in their noses and need some relatively clean water to snoot whatever's in there out, thus preventing sinus infections.

A head washer is a handy thing for this.

For right now, get them into some 80 degree F water up to their bellies - don't leave them unattended - and let them splash and snort water through their nares (nostrils).

Then take a look here

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