I currently have 4 darling Khaki Campbell ducklings at the age of 4 weeks, and I really don't have anymore space to brood them anymore inside the house. (stinky ducks
People say 6 weeks, I've heard 2-3 weeks but I just want to be 100% sure they won't get hurt or sick outside.
I would put them inside my coop (seperated from the chickens) if I wasn't so worried about my coop burning down because of a heat lamp which they could use if they want.
It's not too cold over here in Seattle. The lowest it gets is freezing, and my coop stays a good 10-15 degrees above the outside temperature. It's been nice weather the past few days and I hope it will get a lot better.
Is it safe to put them out there? Or is there a safe way to put a heat lamp in there with no fear of the possibility of it all burning down?

People say 6 weeks, I've heard 2-3 weeks but I just want to be 100% sure they won't get hurt or sick outside.
I would put them inside my coop (seperated from the chickens) if I wasn't so worried about my coop burning down because of a heat lamp which they could use if they want.
It's not too cold over here in Seattle. The lowest it gets is freezing, and my coop stays a good 10-15 degrees above the outside temperature. It's been nice weather the past few days and I hope it will get a lot better.

Is it safe to put them out there? Or is there a safe way to put a heat lamp in there with no fear of the possibility of it all burning down?