Ducklings won't settle at night, please help I'm about ready to kill them!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 1, 2013
So, some of you will have seen my earlier post about having to hand-hatch these 3 muscovy ducklings. And they're adorable and brilliant and growing ever so fast and I love them very much.

Cue their first annoying habit! :D

They've been living in a large plastic box in my bedroom (only cat-free room in the house) with a lamp in the day and heat-mat at night to keep them warm. Up until now that has worked fine, however the last 3 nights they just haven't settled down after I've switched off the light. Not cheeping so much, just constantly moving, scratching, pecking, scrabbling and just generally making noise, for long into the early hours. It's been keeping the rest of the family awake (my room is next door to my parents and directly above my older brother - who's made it very clear he's NOT impressed). To clarify, they're 2 weeks old now and are kept on puppy training pads, and the heat matt only covers about half of the box so they can move off it if they get too hot.

I've tried googling around but the only results seem to be from single ducklings that are cheeping from a lack of company, whereas my 3 are very much duck-orientated and haven't imprinted on me so much (breaks the heart when they don't run around following me but probably best for them in the long run). There's a ticking clock in the room, if that helps.

Any ideas?
So, some of you will have seen my earlier post about having to hand-hatch these 3 muscovy ducklings. And they're adorable and brilliant and growing ever so fast and I love them very much.

Cue their first annoying habit! :D

They've been living in a large plastic box in my bedroom (only cat-free room in the house) with a lamp in the day and heat-mat at night to keep them warm. Up until now that has worked fine, however the last 3 nights they just haven't settled down after I've switched off the light. Not cheeping so much, just constantly moving, scratching, pecking, scrabbling and just generally making noise, for long into the early hours. It's been keeping the rest of the family awake (my room is next door to my parents and directly above my older brother - who's made it very clear he's NOT impressed). To clarify, they're 2 weeks old now and are kept on puppy training pads, and the heat matt only covers about half of the box so they can move off it if they get too hot.

I've tried googling around but the only results seem to be from single ducklings that are cheeping from a lack of company, whereas my 3 are very much duck-orientated and haven't imprinted on me so much (breaks the heart when they don't run around following me but probably best for them in the long run). There's a ticking clock in the room, if that helps.

Any ideas?
May be a stuffed animal to snuggle with? other than that is there anywhere else you can move them to where the cat can't get too? laundry room where you can still use the heat even the garage as long as you can use heat.
May be a stuffed animal to snuggle with? other than that is there anywhere else you can move them to where the cat can't get too? laundry room where you can still use the heat even the garage as long as you can use heat.
I agree with this. They might be hearing you at night and want to be with you. A stuffed animal might be a big help because it seems that ducklings seem to accept that as a substitute mother and snuggle with it.
I suppose they could go in the laundry at night, I hadn't put them there before now because knowing me I's wake up worrying about them
So I'll make that plan B. For now though, on with the stuffed toy! Fingers crossed it might settle them, thank for the suggestions :)
Have you tried draping a towel or blanket over the box? I think they can sense the extra security that way, but be mindful of air flow. When my three were that young they screamed all through the night. There was a week where I had to sleep on the floor with my arm in their box. It shut them right up. I think they felt more secure that way. But I spoiled them too much.
They are nine months old now and there are still nights where I have to sleep near or in their pen. The blanket works wonders though!
Have you tried draping a towel or blanket over the box? I think they can sense the extra security that way, but be mindful of air flow. When my three were that young they screamed all through the night. There was a week where I had to sleep on the floor with my arm in their box. It shut them right up. I think they felt more secure that way. But I spoiled them too much.
They are nine months old now and there are still nights where I have to sleep near or in their pen. The blanket works wonders though!
melissamerry do you still sleep in their pen? that is so sweet.whats going to happen when you move and they move outside?
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melissamerry do you still sleep in their pen? that is so sweet.whats going to happen when you move and they move outside?
I KNOW!!!!! They are becoming less needy....kinda...

I've been refraining from giving in to their needy night calls this month, slowly trying to accustom them to the transition that's soon to come.
It sure is going to be a difficult change. For the both of us!
I KNOW!!!!! They are becoming less needy....kinda...

I've been refraining from giving in to their needy night calls this month, slowly trying to accustom them to the transition that's soon to come.
It sure is going to be a difficult change. For the both of us!
That is going to be a tough one. Keep us updated.
That is too cute. Sounds like something I would do. Lol
Have you tried draping a towel or blanket over the box? I think they can sense the extra security that way, but be mindful of air flow. When my three were that young they screamed all through the night. There was a week where I had to sleep on the floor with my arm in their box. It shut them right up. I think they felt more secure that way. But I spoiled them too much.
They are nine months old now and there are still nights where I have to sleep near or in their pen. The blanket works wonders though!

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