
Apr 27, 2020
so i have two male rouens and three female pekins. can they possibly have ducklings in the future? also i was wondering if they could hatch the ducks themselves? what will a pekin rouen mix look like? also will the girls from there hatch possibly lay green/blue eggs that female rouens do? please f anyone has answers tell me.
so i have two male rouens and three female pekins. can they possibly have ducklings in the future?Yes. also i was wondering if they could hatch the ducks ?I asked Google your question and this is what came up.
Most pekin ducks will not brood their own eggs, so duck owners must be prepared to incubate the eggs. Duck owners should think carefully before breeding ducks. ... Pekins will lay their eggs anywhere, but a well-designed nesting box will encourage them to lay eggs in the box.Nov 1, 2017

what will a pekin rouen mix look like?In a Google search, type, pekin rouen cross, and look at images. also will the girls from there hatch possibly lay green/blue eggs that female rouens do?Not sure but am guessing that it is possible. please f anyone has answers tell me.
thanks but i am still wondering about the possibility of them hatching them on there own so if anyone else has had pekins adn they did please tell me

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