
Up to 9 cinnamons,13 mandarins,5 greenwing,3 sharpwing and 4 fulvous tree! Still waiting on more eggs to hatch!!
Up to 9 cinnamons,13 mandarins,5 greenwing,3 sharpwing and 4 fulvous tree! Still waiting on more eggs to hatch!!
Still a bad year for me. My Mandarin had 6 eggs but I caught her eating one the other day and found another on the ground broken. She still has 5 in the box. I have 8 under a Cinnamon in her box. I've been getting random Green wing eggs but none sitting. No signs from the Ring teal either. I only hatched the 2 Cinnamons and 2 Wood ducks but sadly one Wood duck died at almost a week old. My rescue Canada goose I hatched is 4 weeks old she is awesome.
I had a couple hens going into other nests and killing eggs and laying theirs.I will be getting rid them this fall! Sorry to hear about the wood duck.Sucks when they don't make it.

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