

Mar 13, 2024
Hello! Introducing the 5 cutest wittle things I’ve ever seen I love them so much!!! Can anyone reccomend what I should do to supplement my chick starter feed for these guys? What are some of the things yall do? And what do you use for a house for them? I’m going to build my own for them and I’m trying to come up with a good design and thought I’d see what creative ideas might arise. Thanks!
Adorable! Ducklings need more niacin than chicks do, and there are multiple ways to supplement their feed, including brewers yeast.

That may be the best way, but I've always fed mine frozen peas -- because those are cheap and readily available.

Whatever plan you come up with, bear in mind that ducks -- while endlessly cute at any age -- are messy, messy, messy creatures. Think about drainage and how to clean their housing when you're developing your plans. I converted an old chicken tractor for mine; plenty tall for my runner ducks, plenty hard for me to get into to clean.

Congrats on your little ones!
Like @Callender Girl says frozen peas is one way to add some niacin but you can't feed them frozen you have to thaw them first putting them under hot water and mashing them some would be good. But the easiest way for me has been to add Nutritional Yeast to their feed 1 Tab to each cup of feed for at least 12 weeks of age [this is when they are growing and need it to give them strong legs] if your ducklings are going to be a large breed they must get the extra niacin since their legs will be carrying around extra weight here is info for you

For housing you'll be alot happier if you make their coop where you can go in to clean or either put a roof on that you can remove to clean, Duck poop is wet and can build up ammonia so you want to be able to clean often and ventilation is another important factor when designing your coop there need to be good ventilation up around the roof area to let out moisture and some way to get fresh air inside becasue coops can get hot in summer months. Windows with hardware cloth covering them or make your own windows and use hardware cloth over every opening to keep out predators. Pine shavings is a good bedding becasue it absorbs their wet poop and is easy to remove then just add more as needed.
Good reading
I am sure you can find duck house info online but here is info on chicken coops here on BYC which many can be converted to duck housing

Your ducklings are adorable feel free to share many pictures we love pictures. Also questions we are always willing to help.
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Adorable! Ducklings need more niacin than chicks do, and there are multiple ways to supplement their feed, including brewers yeast.

That may be the best way, but I've always fed mine frozen peas -- because those are cheap and readily available.

Whatever plan you come up with, bear in mind that ducks -- while endlessly cute at any age -- are messy, messy, messy creatures. Think about drainage and how to clean their housing when you're developing your plans. I converted an old chicken tractor for mine; plenty tall for my runner ducks, plenty hard for me to get into to clean.

Congrats on your little ones!
You couldn’t be more right omg and I’m learning this. Thank god our master bathroom is completely gutted due to us repairing some dry rot issues so it’s not tooooooo difficult until the little buggers escape INTO MY BEDROOM 🙅🏼‍♀️…lol thanks for the advice on the brewers yeast I actually have some of this and will start supplementing. Do you have experience in the amount you think would be best? Thanks again!!!
Like @Callender Girl says frozen peas is one way to add some niacin but you can't feed them frozen you have to thaw them first putting them under hot water and mashing them some would be good. But the easiest way for me has been to add Nutritional Yeast to their feed 1 Tab to each cup of feed for at least 12 weeks of age [this is when they are growing and need it to give them strong legs] if your ducklings are going to be a large breed they must get the extra niacin since their legs will be carrying around extra weight here is info for you

For housing you'll be alot happier if you make their coop where you can go in to clean or either put a roof on that you can remove to clean, Duck poop is wet and can build up ammonia so you want to be able to clean often and ventilation is another important factor when designing your coop there need to be good ventilation up around the roof area to let out moisture and some way to get fresh air inside becasue coops can get hot in summer months. Windows with hardware cloth covering them or make your own windows and use hardware cloth over every opening to keep out predators. Pine shavings is a good bedding becasue it absorbs their wet poop and is easy to remove then just add more as needed.
Good reading
I am sure you can find duck house info online but here is info on chicken coops here on BYC which many can be converted to duck housing

Your ducklings are adorable feel free to share many pictures we love pictures. Also questions we are always willing to help.
Omg I’ve been replacing bedding like 3 times a day and thought I must of been doing something wrong but now I know that’s normal thanks goodness. I have 3 mallards, 2 golden 300 and the little black ones I have no idea. They are younger and miscellaneous straight run from tsc (you can probably guesss I went to tsc for completely unrelated things and somehow ended up leaving with more ducklings 🤦🏼‍♀️) but any how is supposed to be picking up a complete enclosed chiicken coop that is more like a coop/run in one. That I’ll be picking up for them. I didn’t want to put them in with my chickens. Wasn’t thinking it was a good idea so they will be in my garden where I have a small size pond and it’s fenced in and litterally right in from on my bedroom window so I can watch them very closely lol. When is the best time to put them outside you think? When they are fully feathered? We are well passed getting any frost over night here in my part of ca
There are some threads about using brewer's yeast, posted by other BYC members; I've always gone with adding peas. I'm pretty sure @Miss Lydia knows the correct amount of yeast.

Totally understand about going to the feed store for something unrelated and coming home with babies!

Like you, my coops are close to the house, so I can see them from the living room and dining room windows. Fencing keeps them within eyesight range when they are out and about.

Like chicks, duck babies can't control their body temps that well, so I always wait until they are fully feathered and any expected cold weather has passed.

I think you are in for some wonderful adventures! Please keep posting!
First makes sure the brewers yeast has adequate niacin
1Tablespoon per each cup of feed you give the ducklings.
My coops are right off my house also I really like having everyone close.
Enjoy those babies they grow way too fast.
If your little black ones are solid blk you might have Cayuga of course we need more pictures to verify ;)
First makes sure the brewers yeast has adequate niacin
1Tablespoon per each cup of feed you give the ducklings.
My coops are right off my house also I really like having everyone close.
Enjoy those babies they grow way too fast.
If your little black ones are solid blk you might have Cayuga of course we need more pictures to verify ;)
I bring them outside during the day now. Chances of frost are behind us where I live so the day time temps have been allowing them to have a fun in The sun and they like to hang out with me while I’m building their house and making progress on their pond they are just adorable .


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