

10 Years
May 3, 2009

Im at uni and we have 11 ducklings, they are getting really big and im trying to look out for them.

2 questions: The drake suddenly appeared today, he never usually comes with the mum and babies. He kept trying to peck the babies when they went near him...will he hurt them, i dont trust him!

secondly, is there anything else other than bread that i can feed them. I dont give them much and what i do give them i break up real small as it can expand in their tummies....just id rather help them eat naturally even though it is low-fat bread!!!

Thank you.
The drake may hurt them, It is best if you can separate them as the drake can hurt the ducklings while trying to get to the mother.
DONT FEED THEM BREAD! It has been proven that bread is no good for ducks. cracked corn and flock started are what I feed mine. You can also feed them watermelon and lettuce, tomatoes and different fruits and veggies.
Yes the drake will kill the babies be very careful. Also No bread please, Mine are still all ducklings so they get starter non medicated and they love spinach chopped up in the water. Good luck
by the way, as for feeding them naturally, they eat bugs, grass, weeds, mud, all sorts of stuff. you can give them grass clipings if you dont use pesticides. or even leaves off of trees if you need to cut a limb down or not.
You can buy feeder fish when they get big enough, or hand feed them crickets.
cool thanks. What is this corn stuff... i have tried all the shops and cant find 'duck food!!'

I keep shooshing the drake away but he keeps coming back...any ideas... also its quite hard to protect them all the time as im at uni and they are in our pond in halls... they are totally gorgeous though!

i would attach a pic if i could!
You can get cracked corn at most pet stores, walmarts, and of course the always handy feed store.
As for the male.... if there is anyway you can separate him, that would be best. Let the mom and ducklings have their own space devoid of any other ducks.
I cant really picture their habitat as you explained it

My mama duck wont let any of my females near her or her ducklings, but she lets the males come one at a time. She is petite but a bossy little thing.
ok thats cool thank you. I gather from the walmart comment you guys are in the US, whereas im in the UK. I have (hopefully) found some suitable feed that will give them all the nutrients they need.

Thank you again...will keep you posted!

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