
Is your little one getting enough to eat? With Olivia being the size of a bulldozer she's not hogging all the food?
I’m sure Al’s eating,he’s growing a little bit every day,there’s a huge difference in his size now.Even if he’s not as big as her,I could say he is eating properly.I do give them a lot of mixed feed,I’m not sure Olivia can hog his food too now that he’s a bit grown up and can eat as quickly as her.(Ok not as quickly as her).
I think I’ll build a little coop for them,idk,if it is built, I’ll make sure to upload pics.Just wanted everyone to know.
The Duckling’s update:
Al’s friend swallowed a nut.(the story’s too funny).
I think I’ll build a little coop for them,idk,if it is built, I’ll make sure to upload pics.Just wanted everyone to know.
The Duckling’s update:
Al’s friend swallowed a nut.(the story’s too funny).
So it happened like this,
I took them to the garden and sat there wondering what to put in the dog bowl for them.
After sometime the maid figured out that maybe they can gobble down some mixed pigeon food and grains and play with the bigger ones,I absolutely knew nothing about pigeon food but the idea seemed ok so she went in my uncle’s pigeon house and brought back a bowl of grains,and the big ones seemed impossible for them to eat,even Olivia,I thought,she gave them the grains and Al went on eating fine.The greedy ambitious one on the other hand tried extremely hard to gobble a big nut and after 24 attempts she started gasping and running around funnily unable to find the water source which was an inch away from the dog bowl.And of course it took me 5 miniutes to realize what the thing did and start dumping her head in the waterer and jiggling her upside-down,after some time the nut eventually toppled out of her beak,the size of a capsule.After sometime I released her after making sure she was ok and the Brute did the only thing she was supposed to because I forgot to take away the dog bowl:she ran across to it and a miniutes later was running around gasping for air.
Olivia’s doing pretty good now,I’m really excited seeing how they’ll change into their new feathers after some time and finally become my precious adults.My multivitamin’s also finished and they need a new bigger food bowl and a veggie bowl and a large poultry drinker.
Today I went to buy their usual supply of stuff and some toys and I saw this super adorable kitty leash and just had to buy it for Olivia,(they are far too much spoiled)I’ll share pics of her looking hilarious and pulling on faces and yelling after I had her try it on🤣.

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