Ducks and Geese


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jan 26, 2014
Hi all. I was wondering if I would be able to raise and keep ducks and geese together. Will the size and social differences impair their abilities to get along? Or does it not matter?
I have raised Canada geese and Peking and Rouen ducks together. I raised them from ducklings and goslings so they grew up with each other. I don't see any problem with raising them together. Although my geese sometimes chase the ducks but then they are fine again. I believe this is because of their pecking order they've established. And since my Canada goose is broody she has a short temper with the ducks but they give each space. So I see no problem raising them together
I am going to follow this thread. I have been wondering the same thing. Some people say they get along and some say they don't.

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