Ducks attached to the Drake?


5 Years
Feb 11, 2019
Hey everyone,

I was just wondering if anyone else’s ducks seem overly attached to their drake(If you have one).

I have 3 ducks all the same age at around 13 weeks and my drake is closer to 16 weeks. I find when I pick the ducks up 1 by 1(to wellness check) and put them down they run back to the rest & all is right in the world however I noticed when I pick up my drake then return him the girls all come running to him and circle around him as they all quack and look him over.

It’s like they think one of these days we are going to eat him but they know they are safe.

Wondering if anyone’s flock dynamic is similar?
Hey everyone,

I was just wondering if anyone else’s ducks seem overly attached to their drake(If you have one).

I have 3 ducks all the same age at around 13 weeks and my drake is closer to 16 weeks. I find when I pick the ducks up 1 by 1(to wellness check) and put them down they run back to the rest & all is right in the world however I noticed when I pick up my drake then return him the girls all come running to him and circle around him as they all quack and look him over.

It’s like they think one of these days we are going to eat him but they know they are safe.

Wondering if anyone’s flock dynamic is similar?
My Pekin drake is worshipped by my Pekin ducks, including another drake. If they don't want to be herded easily I can just pick him up and they'll follow us. One Pekin duck in particular NEVER leaves his side.

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