Ducks Balding

Apr 16, 2020
New to ducks. Realized I was not taking care of their brooder well enough.

currently have 10 ducks in 16sf. They are about 4 weeks old.

they get organic chic starter with brewers yeast?

We are worried they are still not getting what they need.
Is this how they are supposed to look?

No, that is not normal at all. Can you give us a few pictures of what they are being kept in now, their water, feeder, bedding, so we can get idea of your whole setup? How often do they get baths, and are they still showing signs of a B3 deficiency.
They are in a 4x4 brooder. 10 Peking’s.

We feed them organic Chuc starter and mix brewers yeast at 1.5 tbs per cup of feed.

pine shaving bedding. Change bedding completely every two days, top off with fresh bedding twice a day.

we bathed them once before.

we have 8 in another brooder, they seem to be better but a little balding.


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When did you make the change in their environment, and have they seemed to lose more feathers since this change? They have only been in water once? At that age, they should be bathing in water every few days.
After we made the change they seemed to get better. It’s been super cold the past few days we haven’t been able to bath them
Outside or even ventilate their coop area. Now that I think of it when they were getting fresh air they seemed their healthiest.
I want to move them to a greenhouse where they will have ample room but nights have been cold. I think our last frost is behind us though.
yes we have power so I can set them up with 2 heat lamps and set up a 3 walled enclosure like a brooder. I am just concerned it will be too cold. Also will enclose the perimeter with electric fence. This is our 7 day forecast.


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It is cold temps but if you can make a large cozy brooder for them with heat they maybe okay place a thermometer out too so you can see what your temps going to be once you get everything set up. Before you put the ducklings out. So you’ll know if you can keep it warm enough for them since they are about naked.
I wonder if you can put something like a tarp or blanket up over the top of it to keep the heat in. Even a sheet of plywood or something just over part of it might help keep the heat in. Of course we don't want a fire. Hard to picture your set up.

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