ducks don't like cracked corn any more.


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 17, 2013
Hi There,

I have five ducks four weeks old. They were feed on cracked corn only. They look healthy and good.
but recently I found that they didn't like cracked corn any more.

What other food should I buy and feed them?

Thank you very much.
Actually, ducks aren't supposed to eat cracked corn (only as a treat). Cracked corn, to poultry, is like candy to us and it isn't very nutritious. For ducklings at 4 weeks old they may like Dumor Grower/Finisher. You can start mixing a bit of layer feed into their food also. Ducks LOVE fruits and vegetables, so you can give them those (they're also very nutritious!). Good luck!
well their is special food for poltry that you can find online and in some pet stores. I know my ducks like to have some greens with their food. I have also use meal worms as treats for them...
well what do you have available for feeds? i'd give a ring to local feed mills, you could go to a grower now a starter isn't needed or a flock raiser etc..

There is info on feeding here...

As said whole corn is not a whole diet, some is fine but with nothing else unless they forage loads they will become deficient in things. Mind you the feed 'em whole corn is a very popular method around here, 3 ducks i bought as 6-7mth olds were only fed that too, they do MUCH better on complete feeds, honest.
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I agree. When I first got into ducks the male had been fed bread and corn (WORST things you could feed them!) so I switched to a flock feeder. You don't have to spend a ton of money on feed. I simply go to my local rural farm store and purchase their brand of flock feeder. It covers ducks, chickens, turkeys, game birds, etc. You can supplement with crushed oyster shell if you have females of laying age. Oyster shell is inexpensive as well. Don't go overboard with buying a bunch of "supplements" that you might not need.
thank you. Yesterday I bought home 'DuMOR
Poultry Grower/Finisher 15% Feed' for the five ducks. Today they began to become relunctant to eat them, quacking around me and ignoring the feed I gave them.
What feed should I go? Any suggestions?
Mix some of the corn in or sprinkle a layer on top of their feed that way it still looks the same but they will end up eating the dumor too. Once they've eaten it a few times they will be fine with it.

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