Ducks going on deck pooping :/


6 Years
May 11, 2016
West Central Wisconsin
My Muscovy's are getting up on our deck and pooping all over
. This is the first time owning this breed. They are so far my fav we have ever owned.....BUT....this getting on the deck might be a deal breaker for me. Anyone know how to stop this behavior? (I know I can keep them penned and I have scared them off many times).
You can't really stop birds from getting on your deck and pooping on it unless they're penned or if you block off access to the animals.

Chickens and ducks poop wherever they are. They can't really control it.

I was hoping there was something you can put on there to scare them. Like turkey's do not like color red so to move a flock of turkey's they use a red flag.
My ducks seem to not like anything bright yellow if that helps ?! :confused:

Ducks are crapping machines though so its only the location that will change - you could try making another area super attractive to them ? Do they have a pool ? Ours are also fatally attracted to fresh clean hay for a snuggle and a snooze.
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Not sure how many birds you have on your porch, and what the whole setup is, but I occasionally will have thirty or so Calls on mine. They do poop a lot, but I just wash it off afterwards.
Nice decking ! *adds decking to diy 'to do' list

Lovely birds too !
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