ducks hurting my hens


Flock Mistress
14 Years
Jan 9, 2009
south Florida, Pompano Beach
I've got two male ducks, they are both about 7 months old now. the question is this, why do they chase down my columbian wyandotte hen and pluck out her butt feathers!! I've got one female pekin which they bother all the time. they just torment my poor little girl so much, that I always bring her inside. Any suggestions on how to remedy this problem, or do you think that I should just find them a new home
Male ducks are very sexually aggressive. If a female doesn't squat for the male, the males will chase and nip at the female.

If you only have 1 female duck, you need to either get more females or get rid of one on the males and STILL get another female.

A good ratio is 3 females per 1 male.
wow, even to the hens? I just thought that maybe they were just to stupid to know she was a hen
. My hubby even said that I would probably have to get rid of them. I really love those guys! But like you said, they are aggressive, even to my female, she can't even go in th kiddie pool without them "jumping her".
chickensducks&agoose :

I think that maybe it's actually your possum that's doing it. (YOU HAVE A PET POSSUM!!! THAT IS SO COOL!!!!!)... no really? Ducks are aggressive sometimes, and can be really territorial.. mine get pully if the chickens are near their food.

no, actually, our possum lives in the house!
she's something herself.
Gotta tell my husband, gotta get another female duck!!
I just thought that maybe they were just to stupid to know she was a hen

Are you familiar with the old Navy saying "Any port in a storm"?
Male ducks are doing what they are supposed to do. 2 of my females practically throw themselves at my drake. The other runs away
funny you mention muscovies. we have them wild down here, but they are supposed to be a nusiance to our state??
Go figure. I think they are sweet, and you're right, the males are not at all like the pekins, crested, etc.......... I'm just keeping an eye on them. Poor chicken Jane, she doesn't know what to do, sometimes they even chase her into the coop.
I am having the same issue I'm debating on getting rid of my drake. We are only allowed 5 fowl in city limits I have 3 hens and a female duck and my drake. I'm just concerned for my female duck if I get rid of him will she be ok?

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