DUCKS in Denver, CO


In the Brooder
Jul 11, 2016
I dont know if this already posted as I can not find it and I am positive I am doing this wrong however.

I am new to raising ducks in CO.
We have 2-Pekin ducks that are 3 weeks old. I was looking to see if anyone in CO can give me advice on when i can permanentely leave them outside in the coop or at least for they day time. The coop is also 72" long including the house, is that big enough for when they are full grown? I hear different answers all over the internet.
I just want to make sure I am providing the best possible environment for my duckies as possible.
Any advice shared would be immensley appreciated.

Thank you
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Definitely ask around in our Ducks section. Lots of members there to help you with your duckies. I have never kept ducks, although I should as cute as they are!

Great to have you aboard and welcome to our roost! :)
I'm a new duck (Khaki Cambell) owner in Black Forest. I have no idea what I'm doing, but have learned so much on BYC. We moved Tilly outside (w/ her chick friends) at about 7 weeks. I want to get a Peking now too! I have fallen in love with our sweet girl
I can't tell much from your description - the house part of your description is called the coop. The other part which would be outdoors is the run. You just list dimensions for them together. Ducks also should have some type of pond or kiddy pool or sandbox to swim in, they love water.
the whole area in entirety is about 72". My husband and I are going to build them a bigger run area however. We will include a water area however, these two dont seem to care much for it. We built a pond in our yard and they absolutely hate it, run out the second they are put in, go figure.
The male seems to have weaker legs than the female, he always want sto sit and walks oddly, I have been giving them brewers yeast in their feed. will this help correct his legs or what else can I do? I noticed it from the day I picked them up...

Thanks again
I'm a new duck (Khaki Cambell) owner in Black Forest. I have no idea what I'm doing, but have learned so much on BYC. We moved Tilly outside (w/ her chick friends) at about 7 weeks. I want to get a Peking now too! I have fallen in love with our sweet girl
Hello - I have 5 little ducks who need a home. Would you be interested? One is Peking, one is Khaki Campbell, a Rohen, a Cayugah and a Golden 300. Send me a PM if you are interested.
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