ducks in the rain!

I have some videos of my ducks frolicking - perhaps I should see if they could be set to music and post it - a duck symphony so to speak!

Love to see some ducks frolicking to music lol
Just don't let them play with an Ipod/Ipad. My ducks went NUTS For the cat games when they were babies.
Really cat games for ducks?
I seriously just witnessed one of the oddest things I have ever seen...
It's been raining all morning but at this time it was just light sprinkling...all of a sudden, through the sliding glass door I see my entire flock of 16+ ducks and 2 geese running west across the backyard lawn towards the garage...they all stopped and turned to face basically a South West direction at almost the exact same in unison...then they all stood up tall and raised their bills(beaks) to the sky...and like magic, it started pouring like crazy...the rain was coming down almost sideways and there's my derpy ducks and 2 geese just standing there with their noses pointing into the rain standing at attention like a bunch of soggy feathered soon as the rain eased up, they all just meandered off like nothing had happened...

I didn't have my phone so I wasn't able to get a pic or video of it, but my daughter saw it too, so I know for a fact I wasn't having a psychotic episode....

Anyone else ever see something like this happen?
I seriously just witnessed one of the oddest things I have ever seen...

Anyone else ever see something like this happen?
Lol, don't think I've ever seen them do anything like that, but this video of my Dorothy in the rain cracked me up - I thought she was dancing because she was really excited until I read somewhere that they stomp on the ground to drive worms to the surface (or something like that)... I prefer to think she was just super happy.:love
It has been a warm autumn thus far and we are experiencing our first rain of the season, if you can even call it rain. California rain is nothing but a moderately heavy drizzle. Anyways, my backyard is at a slope, which means all the neighbors across the yard can see into my yard, making me the crazy girl with three ducks.

I get a knock on my door this afternoon and it's one of the neighbors. She's pointing fingers at me for animal abuse and accuses me of not taking care of my ducks properly. She said watching those duck sit in the pouring rain was the saddest sight that she ever did saw. She did not believe me when I told her that my ducks actually love the rain and they are enjoying themselves very much at the moment. She threatened to call animal control if I didn't give them some shelter. LADY! do you not see the giant coop behind them full of warm fuzzy blankets????

They were sleeping inside by my backdoor and when it started raining they were jumping up and down begging to go outside. Silly things. Who else has ducks that love the rain??

oh my Ducks love rain! I live in Southern Chile and we get lots of rain-
My ducks arrived this Summer so no much rain yet, but when it rains here it is real rain and they love it!!!!! When there is no rain- I play spray the ducks with the hose and WOW that is fun for me and the ducks!!!!! they line up to be drenched by the hose!

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