Ducks like to play in the sprinkler


8 Years
Oct 25, 2011
WA Coast
I don't know why this never occurred to me before. I was out hosing out the duck pond earlier and noticed that the ducks were crowding in and trying to catch the spray. It has been a while since it rained much. So, when I was done, I put out a little sprinkler and turned it on. Next thing you know, I had almost 60 ducks all crowded into an 8' radius around that sprinkler. I just left it running and they are all out there playing in the mud, having a good old time.

I just got 5 runner ducks yesterday. This morning they came out of the turkey coop (they chose their sleeping place among turkeys, chickens, and goats/cow) and waddled directly to the morning sprinkler I run on the lawn.

They proceeded to bathe and bathe and bathe and they followed the sprinkler when I moved it till it went off.

So much for them needing a pool. I am using a large shallow plastic bin with fresh water and the sprinkler from now on.

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