Ducks love compost too!

Henrik Petersson

11 Years
Jan 9, 2009
Karlskrona, Sweden
There has been a ton of talk online about how chickens love to forage in compost. But I have yet to see anyone mention that ducks love it too!

We've partially emptied one of our compost heaps today, and the Scovies have just adored rummaging around in it:

And why wouldn't they? Invertebrates are an important part of their diet. Composts are heavy in invertebrates.

So all of you who plan to move your compost pile into the chicken run, you might want to save some for your ducks as well.
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so i scoop out there run with the tractor take about 6 inches of soil/poo and compost it and then replace it with 2 year old compost as by that time its pretty much black ground at that point. if i could speak duck i bet they would tell me its there favorite time of year. thats all they do for a week is sift through it.
Mine hang out with me when I manually turn my pile and have no fear of the shovel. Occasionally one finds an earthworm and the others chase after it.

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