Ducks not getting in coop at night

Have you tried a wider ramp? You dont need a wider door just a wider ramp to help funnel them in. My ducks had a similar problem they knew where the ramp is and what the ramp does but couldn't get on it until I added another piece.
my ducks put themselves to bed at night by themselves....only took two nights and they got the hint and learned to go in at night.

when i give them their pool i dont know if they'll still go to bed so easily and willingly but for now they put themselves to bed like good duckies and if i have to herd them to bed once they have their pool i'll do that but hopefullly they still go to bed with me needing to tell them to
I do the herding with a long stick routine...otherwise my quackers will stay out all night. I didn't know about putting the coop in a corner, but had already located it in one. They do indeed walk circles if it's central or there is no blockade to stop them. As soon as I come walking with that stick pointed out, in they waddle!
My coop is 3 ft off the ground and they can get under it and the can get around the pool i have tried the stick thing they just run from side to side and around and around pool.... Once i put the ramp on my pool it was nope not going to bed I'm just going to swim around it my pool
My Pekins are just 7 weeks old. Their house a foot or so off the ground. We designed the door so it would also serve as a ramp. I put astro turf on the ramp. Two nights ago, they decided to put themselves in for the night. I am thinking it is because I turned the light on in their house at dusk. When I went to round them up, there they were, snug as a bug..I just closed the door..

I am using a cheap flashlight that you can get at any hardware or auto store. Putting it on the low setting, as pictured, saves battery life and provides just enough ambient lighting for them. I just hung it from the rafter of their house.

This thread was just what I was looking for. should have searched last yr when I had my 1st ducks. Yup, my ducks have to be coached / herded to go in. The older ones are doing better, but my 2 geese & younger 2 ducks play catch me if you can . I put the fence back up for the young ducks & geese & keep them in their area for awhile , so the last 2 nites they head into their area after a few mins. Then into their hut. all maybe another challenge as hubby is making a small/med coop for those 4 . I'll set up the fence so they get used to their area & new coop. I am learning. Thanks to this sight & all of you
our girls will be a year old later this month. I give them peas at 8pm. If I'm late, they pace back and forth at the back door. The two times we weren't home by dark they were in bed & waiting.
I move their bed every week, they do circle the bed the first nite or two after moving.


I do believe my girls would walk over hot coals for their peas.

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