Ducks or Chickens? Pros/Cons


In the Brooder
8 Years
Dec 4, 2011
Pueblo West, CO
I have been looking into getting some chickens for about 6 months, doing all my research, reading books.
And now, I went to a lady giving away some fish on freecycle and she talked to me about ducks and she would give me some runners.

What I have: I have a 10x12 ft fenced dog run (6 ft high) with a door. I havent built anything yet cause I was gonna start in spring.

Pros/Cons to having Chickens or Ducks in this space.
Thanks in advance!
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Having both in the same 10x12 enclosure?
Will they stay in that area all the time?
Chickens won't like the mess the ducks will make with their water.
No, not both, I'm trying to decide whether to get ducks or chickens...and yes, for now they will stay in the enclosure, unless they will stay close if I supervised them...and go back in the pen afterwards.

Also I want them for eggs/pets (couldn't kill one after I name it)
First off

I was in your position 1 year ago. I wanted to get some eggs and naturally assumed getting chickens. I started researching breeds and coops, etc. The I came across a book talking about ducks. From what I know, ducks have less complicated housing requirements. Depending on where you live, ducks are more cold hardy. Can't compare myself, but they are supposed to lay better during the winter. Indian runners are great foragers if given the area.

One con for ducks is that they will make a 10x12 area a mud pit in no time. Chickens are supposed to be cleaner and dryer from what I've read/observed.

GL with your decision, and you might check out the coop/run design section of the forum to get some ideas about dog kennel runs. I know I've come across a couple really nice ones.
Just a couple of thoughts:

I love my runners, and I have a great deal of discretionary time to spend with them.

I am told ducks tend to get fewer illnesses than chickens, and that chickens in many ways (especially the water situation) are easier to manage and provide for.

Our runners don't seem to be that tough to deal with, but I put in quite a bit of effort initially to have a pen that drains well and is very secure. I've also put up hundreds of feet of woven wire fence to keep them close, and deter predators.

Do a search on "duck water" and take a look at how frustrated new duck owners can be as they learn how to manage the ducks' ability to create muddy mahem.

What do you envision your birds needing from you? Will you have time and space to keep up with a kiddie pool, for example?
You demonstrate wisdom!

I think with three, you should be able to manage and learn at the same time without being pushed over the edge.

And we are here to enjoy the process with you!

Runners? Ooh, yeah!


Uhm, do you keep frozen peas on hand?


Thanks and no, why?

If you get ducks, you'll see.

You don't want both in the same area. Ducks are more fun, chickens are easier. Depends on what you want.
We raised and sold Call Ducks for many years. They need water. We have a Pond. They need to be driven in. They make a MESS. When you need to be away...problems..and more problems. NO to Ducks.

We now have Silkie Chickens. We have automatic door on our Barn. The Chickens go in and out by themselves. AND they give us beautiful eggs. We have a pooper scooper and use hay. Barn smells like fresh hay and no MESS.

I WOULD NEVER go back to Ducks. They are much more work and very messy. Aria

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