Ducks raising baby chickens?

She's a Muscovy, but this is the first egg she's tried to hatch so she's probably just not a good mother!

No, that was the only egg she was sitting on. It was more of an accident that she had the egg at all- the chickens kept sneaking into her coop and laying eggs under her, and we missed that one. By the time we found it, it had started developing so we decided to leave it for her. I don't think she'll be having any more eggs to sit on after this!
Now don't make your mind up yet, last year one of my Muscovy girls wanted to sit so I gave in and let her, because of space here I only let her have 3 eggs, well she was happy as a lark did a wonderful job of brooding, but when it came time to hatch she attacked the first duckling and injured his head on both sides, I am thinking she would have killed him if i hadn't have come and found the lil thing, one egg was a dud the other one got shrink wrapped so it was only the one duckling, I ended up bringing it into the house and raising it, i swore I'd never let her sit again, she is 4yrs old this year. well anyway she was the first to go broody this spring so I decided I'd give her another chance and if i had to I'd just bring the ducklings in an raise them, well she did great hatched 4 ducklings and was a great mama duck, I have no idea what was going on in her head last year, We still have her duckling from last year a drake, healthy and never had any problems but i am glad i gave her another chance. Maybe you'll feel different too.
When our duck went broody, some of the chickens kept laying eggs under her. We tried to get the eggs out in time, but one got through and started developing so we decided to leave it under her. Our question is, what will happen if and when the egg hatches? Will she instantly recognize it as not hers and attack it?

And does anyone else have any stories with ducks raising eggs that aren't theirs, like chicken eggs? How did it go? If we really need to, we'll take the chick off her as it's hatching/once it's hatched so theres no problems.
Thanks everyone!
I raise ducks, chickens, turkeys and geese. Right now I have a chicken that hatched out seven ducklings and I have a turkey sitting on 4 geese eggs. I have done this before and everyone was fine. I've never tried having a duck hatch out chickens, as the first day mama takes the kids swimming there would be issues...on the other hand the mama chicken won't take her ducklings swimming. She just yells at them..."Yall, kids get out of that water!"

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