Ducks! Should have done this AGES ago!

hmm, and I was all set for rabbits in march. im never clicking another thread for animals I dont already have

No pics of dressed birds but I have one of a cooked duck that a customer of mine sent to me... Looks delicious, this duck was 12 weeks and around 5-6 pounds

And THAT right there is what makes it SO SO worth it!
I'm gonna have to go have a sandwich to hold me over now...a LOT of sandwiches between now and "D-Day" ("Duck plucking Day) here
Nice. And at these ages, is it that at 7 weeks is when they are still mostly covered in down but big enough to eat and at 12 weeks they have grown in all their feathers and no longer have the little pin feathers coming in ? Is that the reason for those two particular ages ?
A 7 week old duck has feathers. It's easier to butcher while the duck is fully feathered. Those time periods fall somewhere between 6 1/2 weeks to 10 weeks or wait 6-10 weeks for the next fully feathered period. You can feel the pin feathers if you feel under the feathers of the breast.

It is much easier to pluck when there are no pins. Duck wax will get the pins off, but it is much easier to filter the wax if there are no pins.

A well bred and well raised Pekin should dress out at about 5 pounds when 8 weeks of age. Feather-wise, that is a good time to butcher. After 8 weeks, their growth slows and you lose the amazing feed conversion ratio of the Pekin. They do get a lot bigger, but those extra pounds cost more in feed.

At 10 weeks, an Appleyard is large enough to butcher. They will be as large as an 8 week old Pekin, and much leaner. However, I don't know dressed weight since I have yet to butcher one. They get big fast and don't use a lot of feed to get there.

A 16 week old Swedish from a hatchery will only dress out about 2 pounds and eat a lot to get there. Not worth raising for meat. My exhibition Swedish grow twice as fast and eat about a quarter of the food. I don't know how they dress out, not having butchered any of them. They are not nearly as large as the Pekin.
Ok thanks. I figured a 7 week old duck should have feathers, have raise plenty of ducks but I never kept up with the ages but I know they can get pretty big and still have down so I wanted to check and make sure.

Do you have any pics of your exhibition swedish ? I'm really looking forward to gettting some eggs from them and the appleyards from you this year.

And on the pekins and the weights you are mentioning, are you talking about regular common pekins ? Anyone have any experience with the big " fry pan pekins" that some hatcheries have now ?
My Pekins came from a private breeder, but are not show stock and they are not "Jumbo Pekins" They are bred for fast growth, good temperament, good health.

I never know what to think of hatchery birds. You could get anything from decent purebreds to mutts. My experience with hatchery ducks wasn't exactly brilliant.

I've heard very good things about the imported Pekins (Grimald Pekins, maybe? Without looking up the name) from Metzer. I've heard several people I trust say very good things about them.

I've only got a trio of Pekins because that is all I need to put duck on the table for my family, but if you remind me, I'll put a couple of Pekin eggs with your order. I'll PM you some photos of the Swedish.
Oregaon Blues,
do you mean that your trio makes enough little ducks for you to eat duck regularly?
How often do you have duck? how many ducks do they produce? What kind of accomodations do you provide when the babies come- considering that mama is there...?

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