Ducks stopped laying since adding new ducks

Skeeters Mom

5 Years
Dec 19, 2014
I have three adult ducks that have stopped laying since I put 17 juvenile ducklings in with them two months ago. The ducklings are now 16 weeks and should start laying soon . The adult ducks are, one black crested and two black Swedish ducks and the new ducks are Khaki Campbell's. Do I need to separate them due to the colors, so they will start laying again? Before they were laying every day, now nothing, they are not molting or brooding, just won't lay. HELP! I sell the eggs for my business. They have plenty of pools to play in and plenty of ground space as well as get closed up for safety at night. They all get along fine together, I have noticed the black ducks are not the top pecking order even thought they are over a year old.
I think with all the youngsters arriving, there is so much going on that they stopped laying. Changes disrupt laying for many ducks.

What are you feeding everybody?


Hmmm. Do you have or can you get any nice ceramic eggs? Sometimes seeing an egg gets them going. Mine, anyway. I would get some right-sized ceramic eggs and set up a little nest and put a couple of those eggs in the nest and give it a week or so. And give them a couple tablespoons of dry cat kibble for a protein boost.

I can imagine how I'd feel if seventeen teenagers moved into the house. whew.
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I feed them fresh veggies, fruits grasses and seeds, they are also allowed to free range all day. I will try the egg trick in their nest box, thank you.
I feed them fresh veggies, fruits grasses and seeds, they are also allowed to free range all day. I will try the egg trick in their nest box, thank you.
I don't think your layers are getting a good amount of calcium. free ranging they maybe getting some good nutrition but a layer or at least oyster shell put out in a separate bowl may help bring them back into lay especially after they get over having newbies added to their flock and if the blk ducks are being picked on that can also contribute to no laying.
Their diet may be low on protein and other nutrients now.

You just decreased their available nutrition from free ranging. Rather than each one getting a third, they now get 1/20.
I echo ML and Amiga, i'd probably add some staple feed and free choice oyster shell into that mix. The changes most definitely play with laying, that is a big change... i am sure things will likely settle in time.
I do keep a 50lb bag of oyster shells spread out on the ground for them to eat when they need it. I did find a baby egg today that was really soft, so not sure if that was just a failed first try or they need more calcium besides the oyster shells.
Do you have layer feed? I would give that to them for a couple of weeks at least, and see what happens. I really suspect insufficient nutrition now that you have twenty ducks if a significant portion is what they can find for themselves - if I understand correctly.
My two female Pekin ducks, 1 year old, stopped laying once we got rid of their two make Pekins. They used to each lay an egg a day in their pen, and now maybe one egg a week somewhere really random. We haven't changed their diet, but we did add 14 ducklings, which are nearly full grown. Nobody is getting picked on, and they free range together all day.
It seems like by now, 3+ weeks later, they would be laying again
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