Ducks with Chickens - behaviour


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 16, 2009
Larroque-St-Sernin, France
Have had chickens for a few years and have become used to understanding their moods and if they get sick etc. We were given 2 female 10 day old ducklings 4 months ago and all has gone well. In fact I would have to say they are a lot more interesting and cute than chickens! But....the weather has turned hot and they started staying in the chicken coop all day and now the chickens have joined them. Is this natural? They share a huge run with plenty of trees and bushes so shade is n problem. We have a large galvanised bath and change the water every 3 days (the water is good to fertilise the veggie garden). it natural behaviour? Are they and the chickens in some kind of one upsmanship about the coop?

I also have ducks and chickens but they are all 3 months old and have been raised together. They usually all hang together for the most part but the chickens wander out by themselves more during the hot part of the day. Mine are all free range and only go in their coop when the sun starts to go down. They do like to hang under my deck or a tree to keep cool though.

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