Ducks wont eat


Mar 18, 2015
Hello! My 3 week old pekin ducklings just started going out in the run a couple days ago. My chickens go in and out of the coop all day to get food but my ducks have not. I tried sitting food in the run but the chickens attacked it lol. So at night once i put the chickens in I have been hiving them their food alone and they eat and eat and eat like they are famished. Any suggestions? Or will they go in of they are hungry? I just dont eant them starving out there. Poor girls.
Just an amen to what sourland has written - I think I can see from the way you are writing that you know they need more food than they are getting throughout the day. Very hungry ducklings will gorge themselves, and that is not healthy. So in other words, you are right. Go with that protective instinct. Please keep in touch!
I am concerned about preditors and other animals trying to get in run after the feed. We were told not to have feed in the run. Should i move it in at night? The ducks have a kiddie pool to swim in and both the chickens and ducks use a nipple watering system which i have water inside and outside the run. They are up before me so i want them to have access to it before i get out there. Just trying to keep everyone happy and healthy. :)
Predators are far more likely to try to get into the run after your birds. Just remove the feed each evening.
I had chickens and ducks together for a little while. The chickens had their feeder full inside the coop, my ducks had a feeder inside their house, they didn't free choice like my chickens. My chickens then learned it was easier to just eat the ducks food since it was closer than going into the coop. I ended up just separating them. Plus the ducks made all waterers gross. IMO keeping them together just was a pain. But some people do
My ducks use the chicken nipples too. Water stays clean and the only mess is the small amount of dripping from the nipples. I just keep a tray under it and empty it once a day.

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