Due April 11th, anyone with me??? I hear peeping!

Technically speaking, those will be my first grandchicks!

These will be the first eggs hatched from chickens I hatched here.

All Delaware Blue Hens. Thes girls are laying, but I lose eggs to Mr. Snake if I don't get out there several times a day.

RhodeRunner, I have a splash roo, 3 blue hens, and 1 black hen. The DBH are very curious, alert chickens, into everything. My black hen is nosey and independent, the roo is an excellent flock leader but she does her own thing.
My hatch was officially over on Tuesday. 15 hatched (2 with "bum legs" - one died last night). 3 died while zipping. And six never pipped.

I took some pictures and I'll have to post them tonight.

I'm done for the year. I have a total of 23 chickens now....and I promised my neighbors I'd keep it to about 6. LOL Ooops!
Cute chicks RhodeRunner! Sorry about the bum legs and the ones that didn't make it- sometimes I think Mother Nature is not as sweet as some say she is.

But those are adorable, and don't say the Silkie word around Bec- she's getting hooked already.
Oh dear, chicken math. Gotta love it, just added two new chicks momma S (Can't say Silkie right!
) the hen doesn't notice.
WhoNelly...Sorry about your chicks with the leg problems. Can that be cured by splinting? Best of luck with them.
Bec...your hatching photos are great. Each time I take pictures from my LG they the chicks are wet blurry blobs. Very cute chicks, though I am yet to see one that isn't, even turken chicks have their charm.
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Chicken math. I like it. That explains the 9 eggs that immediately went into the incubator after my hatch was done, and the turkey eggs I really really want to order. Think DH will notice???
And the 20 cornish x that will be here in two weeks or so!! LOL
"It's not my fault honey! It's chicken math! That's why it looks like there are soooooo many!" LMAO
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