Dumb chickens

Half my hens can be caught by just reaching out. They instantly squat and then are easy pickins'.

The others, I pull a Pepe Le Pew... I just casually walk behind them while they do laps around obstacles in the run (the downside of having a good set of obstacles is they work on silly humans too!) and when they finally make a wrong turn into a corner, I nab them.
We have a few that are fairly easy to catch. The roosters are actually the easiest. We used to have several that would squat down when we walked up to them. We don't have any like that anymore. I hold all my chicks from the day I bring them home but it seems as soon as they go outside they dont want mama anymore lol. They have a giant tree and 2 coops in their yard. We dont have a run. We have 400 ft2 yard that they share with the 3 goats. So while we are trying to outrun the chickens we also have goats chasing us lol
My production blues all are a little different. My sexlinks all identical. I cant tell them apart
We have 6 easter eggers in the brooder right niw that we are having a hard time with. Makes it hard for us to name them. But they will all be named before they go outside. They are only 4 weeks right now so hopefully as they get more feathers it will be easier

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