Dumbest Things People Have Said😂😱

I’ve never killed a thing in my life. Except maybe a spider. And I even feel bad when I do that.
Even if someone had a gun to my head I don’t know if I could kill them.
No person is completely bad. I know I sound cheesy right now, but I would feel unimaginable horrible if I killed someone. I don’t want to have a gun.
No one in my household even owns one.
all right hey tina fey GIF
Guns behind every blade of grass?
That's a good thing.
If you were in America, and you were being robbed, you would want a gun, too, right? Be honest with yourself.
but also,
You can make lethal bomb from compost

guess we should ban kitchen scraps and waste too.

If it's not guns it will be something else. Plus, if someone is about to break a law, they ain't gonna a rip if there is a law banning guns.

You mean, you wouldn’t call a social worker to deescalate the situation? 😂
Of course not, you have to call the police, you know, the people who were told to stand down (when they should have been open firing) while a mob threw bricks at their heads.

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